Family Law Posts
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Understanding Valuation Earnings Adjustments
Valuations are prepared on the notion that value is prospective; in other words, the value of a business or asset is based on the returns ...
The Process of a Business Valuation – Engagement by Multiple Parties
Chartered Business Valuators (“CBV”) are often jointly retained by parties in an attempt to identify and resolve issues in dispute. When properly conducted, joint engagements ...
The Benefits and Pitfalls of Jointly Retained Engagements
When properly conducted, joint engagements may create a stronger perception of fairness and foster a conducive climate for settling financial matters. Chartered Business Valuators (“CBV”) ...
COVID-19: Taking into Account Post-Separation Declines in Value: Serra v. Serra
This is the seventh blog in Davis Martindale’s “Covid-19 Mini Series”. In our previous Covid-19 blogs, we discussed: The timeline of the build up to ...
COVID-19: Implications for Family Law Matters – Income for Support
This is the sixth blog in Davis Martindale’s “Covid-19 Mini Series”. In our previous Covid-19 blogs, we discussed: the timeline of the build up to the ...
COVID-19: Valuation Techniques
This is the fifth blog in Davis Martindale’s Valuations and “Covid-19 Mini Series”. In our previous Covid-19 blogs, we discussed: the timeline of the build ...
COVID-19: Forecasting During Covid-19 without a Crystal Ball
This is the fourth blog in Davis Martindale’s “Covid-19 Mini Series”. In our previous Covid-19 blogs, we discussed: the timeline of the build up to ...
COVID-19: Valuation Disclosures, Limitations, and Bridging Letters
This is the third blog in Davis Martindale’s “Covid-19 Mini Series”. In our previous blog, COVID-19: Known or Knowable?, we discussed the use of hindsight in ...
COVID-19: Known or Knowable?
This is the second blog in Davis Martindale’s Valuations and “Covid-19 Mini Series”. The first headlines appeared during January 2020: the outbreak of a novel ...
COVID-19: Valuators Operating During Extreme Uncertainty
Welcome to the first blog in Davis Martindale’s “Covid-19 Mini Series.” “We are living in unusual times” has been the soundtrack to our lives ...
What is a Valuation Report?
Over the past 40 years, the business valuation profession has grown in Canada, and Chartered Business Valuators (“CBVs”) are becoming increasingly relied upon for offering ...
Why do I Need a Valuation? Estate Planning
“In this world, nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes”. This enduring phrase, written in a letter from Benjamin Franklin to Jean-Baptiste ...
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